No session will be possible for those who do not read and accept the following conditions:
1. We reserve the right to refuse a client when we believe our services will not be useful to them, in order to allow the client to find better elsewhere.
2. Only one person per session. No group sessions. It is possible to have a session on several people of your choice, but be aware that this can lead to confusion. We therefore recommend focusing on yourself and only one other person of your choice.
3. Sessions are prohibited for minors, indecisive people, or those lacking seriousness.
4. Questions about gambling and immorality in general are prohibited.
5. The practitioner always remains withdrawn from the session. We do not engage in voyeurism. Confidentiality for each person is in effect.
6. Psychic reading never commits anyone to make risky choices. Always prioritize the opinion of an assigned expert depending on the field.
7. We inform you that questions about health (physical or mental) will not be tolerated. We do not treat depression, mental health, or health in general. We encourage you to always prioritize the opinion of a competent doctor from the conventional medical field. No medium, psychic, tarot reader, astrologer, marabout, shaman, or other is capable of curing your physical or psychological health problems, and many of these charlatans hate us for having exposed this.
8. Psychic reading consists of perceiving information about the future, thus providing clarity and orientation. However, it cannot control or dictate anyone's choices, which should be made autonomously. The divinatory process is not important (whether it uses cards or not, for example), what matters is the result. If you do not believe in this field, no one forces you to believe, and no one will provide any proof or justification. Psychic reading is a field that requires respect and trust between the practitioner and the consultant.
9. Please do not seek the services of an authentic psychic if you are simply looking to hear what suits you and pleases you. Indeed, a true psychic will only say what they see, and if they start saying what people want to hear, they risk losing their gift of psychic reading. It is therefore important to understand that psychic reading cannot be manipulated to satisfy everyone's desires. The function of a psychic is to provide information and guidance, even if it is not always easy to hear or accept.
10. The realization of a Psychic reading session cannot guarantee 100% accuracy, as it is essential to take into consideration individual situation changes, such as fluctuations in psychological state and life changes of each person.
11. The services offered present no risk. Our activity is controlled and regulated. No scams, manipulation, or addiction is tolerated. No medical, psychological, or physical follow-up is carried out. The services we offer focus exclusively on well-being, positivity, and good moral values.
12. No refunds are accepted after the session.
Available every day from 11h00 to 23h00.
The sessions take place over the phone. Face-to-face sessions are only intended for regular clients.
40€ 30 min.
60€ 1 hour.
20€ Complete session summary sent in writing.
Free sessions are possible for those who are truly experiencing financial difficulties and under certain conditions.
If you're not satisfied, you will be immediately refunded half of what you paid.
Questions related to health are not allowed.
Psychic readings do not encourage taking risky decisions.
No questions about black magic or any request to harm others.
No exorcisms: all religions practice exorcisms for free.
Minors are not allowed.
No group sessions, as privacy is essential.
There is no such thing as a general psychic reading: vague or disinterested questions lead to vague or disinterested answers. Psychic readings are based on an exchange of questions and answers.
100% anonymity guaranteed.
Services offered: Psychic consultation focused on the psychic analysis of the future and tarot reading.
Practices such as mediumship (communication with the deceased), magnetism, astrology, or magic are not performed.
Psychic readings are never 100% guaranteed and should be considered purely as entertainment. I strongly advise people in distress or facing serious issues affecting their mental well-being not to contact psychics or mediums, as I prefer that they seek help from psychologists or professional therapists.