
A portion will go to charitable organizations in Belgium. The remainder will be used to support the activity, such as website expenses.

donations charity

Phone Session

30 min session


1 hour session


Meditation music


Moving to your home or to a public place.

A face-to-face session always requires additional fees for the time and expenses incurred during the round trip travel (1-2 hours), as well as the preparation (1 hour).

1 hour


In Brussels


Outside of Brussels



Guaranteed service

Unfortunately, this field has the particularity of being infested with unscrupulous individuals whose main interest is financial gain. These detrimental individuals to your mental well-being practice manipulation in order to make you dependent on them. They employ manipulation techniques by conforming to your expectations and seeking to gain your trust.

It is important to emphasize that no promise can guarantee a result, and anyone who promises you anything without presenting immediate results should be considered a charlatan.

Regrettably, charlatans exist in every area of life, seeking to deceive others for their own benefit. In the field of divination and spirituality, some individuals use language techniques to manipulate clients and tell them what they want to hear rather than the truth. These charlatans are often highly skilled at understanding clients' expectations and desires. They use language techniques designed to align with clients' preferences and convey only positive messages, even if they are not truthful. This can include generic statements that apply to everyone, vague predictions, or meaningless advice.

The real danger of these charlatans is that they can give a false sense of security or hope to someone going through a difficult period. By providing positive predictions or advice, even if they are not based on reality, these charlatans can encourage a person to make decisions that may not be in their long-term interest. It is important to remember that divination and spirituality are not magical solutions to all of life's problems. It is normal to seek answers and hope in challenging times, but it is equally important to be realistic and grounded.

True professionals in divination and spirituality do not seek to manipulate clients or tell them what they want to hear. Instead, they aim to help them find authentic answers and provide honest guidance to support their progress.